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  • Not sure what’s happening here – what frame rate is you FCPX timeline? Drop-frame Time-code?

  • Francis replied to the topic can't convert xml to srt in the forum SubSimple Forum 7 years ago

    Try to export a timeline that contains only subtitles, and export as fcpxml (1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 all work).

    – Duplicate your timeline
    – Delete everything except your subtitle track
    – Export as fcpxml

    SubSimple will only convert DaVinci Resolve subtitles create with the Text tool.

  • SubSimple will only accept SRT files encoded in UTF-8. If it can’t recognise the file, it won’t convert.

    To make sure your SRT file is in UTF-8:
    – open your SRT file in TextEdit on your Mac
    – in file, choose “Duplicate”
    – then choose Save
    – At the bottom, where it says Plain Text Encoding, choose: Unicode (UTF-8)
    – Save new SRT file
    [Read more]

  • SubSimple will only accept SRT files encoded in UTF-8. If it can’t recognise the file, it won’t convert.

    To make sure your SRT file is in UTF-8:
    – open your SRT file in TextEdit on your Mac
    – in file, choose “Duplicate”
    – then choose Save
    – At the bottom, where it says Plain Text Encoding, choose: Unicode (UTF-8)
    – Save new SRT file
    Text Edit UTF-8

    For…[Read more]

  • The number of subtitles should not be a problem.

    By “Subtitle Export” – I just mean to rename your Timeline and stay organized. Make sure there are no special character in your filename. Aside from that, I’m not sure what’s going wrong. I would need to see your fcpxml file.

  • Hi!

    For the first title not showing up, try opening your SRT file with TextEdit and save your file. Try to convert the re-saved file with SubSimple. It should fix the missing first title.

    I’ve never seen the one-frame long subtitle problem… I’d have to see your SRT file and know which framerate you’re converting your FCPXML to.

    The “add…[Read more]

  • Your FCPXML might be too heavy for SubSimple.

    Try this:
    – Duplicate your DaVinci Resolve timeline (rename/append with Subtitle Export)
    – Delete everything except subtitle track
    – Export fcpxml and convert with SubSimple

  • That’s bizarre. My only other suggestion would be to try and export as a fcpxml v1.5 or 1.6. If it’s still problematic, please send me your test fcpxml to see if I can debug your workflow. Thanks!

  • Hi!

    We’ve moved the SubSimple app to Sorry for the deleted forum thread.

    I’m not sure what’s causing your FCPXML to SRT conversion to repeat a 01:00:00,000 timecode.

    What’s your FCPX timeline framerate? Did you try duplicating your timeline and erasing all other content before converting to SRT with SubSimple?
